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The ISACA Member-Exclusive Leadership Series is a webinar series featuring award-winning authors, industry thought leaders, game changers and groundbreakers who deliver insights, tools and skills to help build tomorrow’s leaders.
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Featured Speaker Series Webinar | 1 FREE CPE
Hidden Potential with Adam Grant
Adam Grant
9 October 2024 | 12:00 PM (ET) / 11:00 AM (CT) / 9:00 AM (PT) / 16:00 PM (UTC)
We live in a world that’s obsessed with talent and intelligence. But the true measure of potential isn’t where you start—it’s how far you can travel. Building on his #1 New York Times bestseller, Hidden Potential, Adam Grant examines how to build the character skills, structures, and systems that accelerate learning and elevate excellence. We all have hidden potential, and this talk highlights how we can unleash it—in ourselves, in our teams, and in our organizations.
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Upcoming: 20 November
The Art of Confidence
In this high energy, inspiring talk, Palmer identifies the circumstances leading to crushed confidence for individuals in the workplace and how they result in teams falling short of reaching their potential and meeting their business objectives if left unaddressed.
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The Secret to Teamwork
In his groundbreaking bee research, Dr. Sammy Ramsey uncovered the cause of the parasite pandemic in honeybees.
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Explore the Power of Storytelling
We are sorry you missed this compelling event as Dex took us through his journey at the UN, Google, Facebook, and SpaceX to illustrate communication's role in our modern world and strategies for impact, meaning, and "making life awesome."
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